Gluten-Free Foods that Don’t Need a GF Label

Gluten-Free Grains

Many are surprised to discover that a number of grains are naturally gluten-free. Some of these grains include:

  • Rice (brown, white, forbidden, wild…)
  • Quinoa (which is technically a fruit, but used as a grain)
  • Amaranth
  • Millet
  • Buckwheat
  • Cornmeal
When selecting grains to compliment your gluten-free foods and recipes, choose the whole grain variety over any processed or refined versions. You’ll be able to reap the benefits of taking in more vitamins, minerals and fiber.
Note: I’ve included quinoa in the list because it is widely considered a gluten-free grain alternative, however I’ve recently come across some information to show otherwise. If you have celiac disease or a serious gluten intolerance, you may want to read up on why quinoa might no longer be considered a safe gluten-free alternative.

Gluten-Free Nuts and Legumes

Almost all nuts and legumes are gluten-free foods, apart from any processed or packaged products like baked beans (the sauces often include gluten). You can choose from a variety of nuts and legumes to help improve your health, such as:
  • Almonds
  • Pistachios
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Walnuts
  • Black beans
  • Kidney beans
  • Garbanzo beans
  • Lentils
  • Navy beans
  • Peas
  • Pinto beans
Beware that roasted nuts or nut mixes can sometimes contain hidden gluten (added while roasting), so opt for raw and unseasoned nuts and seeds.

Gluten-Free Fruits and Vegetables

There’s a reason why many of those who have a gluten intolerance “go vegetarian” or “go vegan”—virtually all fruits and vegetables that you’ll find in your supermarket are gluten-free.  The produce section of your supermarket is your haven for a variety of fresh and delicious gluten-free foods, from apples, bananas, kiwi and even dragon fruit to lettuce, kale, artichokes and onions.
Note: Always beware of any pre-packaged or pre-prepared foods that you find in the supermarket. Read the nutrition label or contact the manufacturer directly for more information on their product when in doubt.


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