Ask the Expert: Shelley Case Clears Up Some Gluten-Free Myths | Delight Gluten Free Magazine

Ask the Expert: Shelley Case Clears Up Some Gluten-Free Myths | Delight Gluten Free Magazine

Figuring out the gluten-free diet can be a tricky endeavor. With so many varying opinions and little guidance from the U.S. FDA on food labeling, people on a gluten-free diet are often left wondering, “What on earth can I eat?”
To help answer some of the greatest gluten-free myths, Delight Gluten-Free Magazine called upon Shelley Case, B. Sc., RD, a leading gluten-free nutrition diet expert in North America and author of Gluten Free Diet: A Comprehensive Resource Guide. She is a member of the Medical Advisory Boards of the Celiac Disease Foundation, the Gluten Intolerance Group, and theCanadian Celiac Association, as well as the Advisory Board of Living Without Magazine. As a dietitian specializing in celiac disease, Case stresses the importance of following the gluten-free diet correctly, while maintaining a well-balanced, nutritious diet.  Recently, the busy nutritionist-turned-author and speaker agreed to discuss some questionable ingredients, so that all of our Delight readers can make informed choices about what is and what is not gluten-free.


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