How to Relieve Pain Without Taking Medications That Can Wreck Your Health by Aviva Romm

How to Relieve Pain Without Taking Medications That Can Wreck Your Health - Aviva Romm

If you’re one of the millions of women who experiences chronic pain, you know that it can interfere with your work, exercise, relationships, sleep — even your self-esteem and happiness as you struggle with your ability to do even basic things like work out, sleep, and travel. Whether a backache, shoulder or knee pain, regular headaches, gut pain from IBS or IBS, or even monthly pain from PMS, chronic pain is also major cause of depression and anxiety.  It’s miserable. 
As a physician, my goal is to help you relieve your suffering. Part of this means helping you to prevent the very real damage that can result from the regular use of conventional medicines. I also want to help you get to the root causes of your symptoms, not just throw medical band-aids at problems, as so many doctors are trained to do because they lack time to figure out what’s really going on, and were never taught about effective alternatives.

The Hazards of Conventional Pain Medications


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