Rice & Corn Flakes... Gluten Free? THINK AGAIN

Rice & Corn Flakes... Gluten Free? THINK AGAIN

I found out the hard way with the generic rice purchased at Safeway that is was NOT Gluten Free.... please, please, please READ THE LABELS!!

Shopping as a Celiac is tricky... what I assume would be Gluten Free is not always the case. Don't be me and come home with products you assume are safe for consumption to find out otherwise with symptoms.

This Generic Rice I purchased at Safeway "MAY Contain Wheat" ... well my bodies reaction to it was, "YES, this rice is not gluten free" I had symptoms for 8 days after consuming this rice. My assumption is that when it says "may contain wheat that it is processed in a plant that also processes wheat.

I have found that Minute Rice White Rice IS INDEED Gluten Free.  It is my go to for rice now. Eating out at friends or restaurants where they offer Gluten Free Rice is a joke, because of what I learned the hard way. If the packaging doesn't CLEARLY state it is Gluten Free or no wording of WHEAT is on the packaging
then steer clear!
Life for a Celiac isn't as simple as everyone thinks it will be... just steer clear of Gluten and you are GOOD... WRONG. Assume that Gluten is everywhere until you prove otherwise!!

Case in point... Corn Flakes... made from CORN, right??? NOOOOOOO

Please make educated choices when shopping. Understand the labeling and what it means. If a label doesn't clearly state it is Gluten Free... then it ISN'T.



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